Slide background Slider image Sm@rtLine Data Cockpit (Lite) Easily convert the system output of
Roche Cedex Bio and Bio HT analyzers to Excel and PDF.
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Data Conversion Utility

Sm@rtLine Data Cockpit Lite (SDC Lite) can import the system export files from Roche Cedex® Bio and Cedex® Bio HT analyzers. The results can be transformed between the system unit and a lab unit. The data can be exported into an excel file with a tab for CAL, QC, Results and Report. The Report page is user defined and can also be saved as a PDF Document.

Feature overview


Roche Cedex Bio
Roche Cedex Bio HT

Unit Conversion

Conversion between lab and system unit
(e.g. mmo/L <> mg/L)


Export to Excel xlsx format.
Save as PDF report document.

Report Customization

The result report can be defined by the user.


SDC Lite supports an English and German user interface. More languages are planned.